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     One of the more popular themes in modern fiction is the theory of time travel. Fictional characters, with the help of some sort of 'magical' machinery, journey to a different era of history, be it the ancient dinosaurs to the unknown future.

     Even though the probability of time travel is hugely debatable, it is my belief that humans have already invented it in one form - the photograph. Through the wonder of modern technology, one can capture a moment, an instance, in their lives. This part of the web site is dedicated to that technology, and to share it with others.

Most Recently Uploaded Album:
Grandma O’Barr (Gretchen) goes to New York City
Click to see more pictures of her trip

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  - Gretchen's New York
     City trip

  - Palmer Property
  - Golden Pond
  - Mollys (2) (3)
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Last Updated 5-28-05
This site is updated and maintained by Dan O'Barr